Instructions for use Money Amulet

How to apply the cash of the amulet Money Amulet

How to apply Money Amulet

Spells Money Amulet possess a high strength, that is why it should be used very carefully and treat them with care. Keep amulets, it is recommended in your purse, because it is there that people keep to their daily of money. But in the last time, you can find charms that are used as a pendant around the neck. In this case, it is desirable that the amulet was also close to the wearer's body (it is recommended to wear it on a fabric or leather straps, and better under clothing). If the mascot starts to darken, it must be cleaned up and still speak, to make it a luck and wealth.

The plot of the amulet Money Amulet

Usually, people prefer to order already заговоренные silver coins Money Amulet. The magic, which is related to material goods, is one of the oldest, that is why most of the plots the strongest known only to the hereditary of the magi, and magicians. But some monks and priests do not hesitate to share the knowledge and the skills, thanks to which, after the purchase of cash amulets, you can give them even more strength.

There are a few important rules that discard spells:

  • the plots is desirable to do so in the night, under the Thursday (especially at full moon);
  • upon the completion of the rituals and magic of preference of spark plugs;
  • your thoughts must be focused on the achievement of the desired objectives;
  • think of the money, on the forces and impacts that you want to equip amulet;
  • the mascot should be put on the cloth scarlet;
  • after the plot is desirable to provide a talisman to the window, to his озарял the light of the full moon;
  • заговоренные coins must wrap the fabric and put it under the pillow, for the force acting on you when you sleep;
  • the morning after the wake-up of the amulet bother to put in a purse;
  • it is advisable to never show off magic, a talisman, and not to show to other people that you have the kind of cash, the guardian, for the labourer is, envy can bring the power of the amulet against you.

Only if you follow these tips, you will be able to equip them with the mascot Money Amulet the force that will bring a better material life.

Care of themselves Money Amulet

Like any other, the guardian, the cash coins are of respect and care. For magic, a talisman, has lost nothing of its strength, it is necessary to respect the following recommendations:

  • store coins in your purse or the pockets of clothing;
  • the amulet need to squeeze in clean cloth, because silver hates the dirt and the love of purity;
  • don't be discouraged if you have not noticed the effect of the action of the mascot for a certain time – the guardian has acted, it is necessary to have patience and to believe in a final result;
  • the trouble to hide the amulet from prying eyes, because he has to have an impact only on your luck;
  • the coins may not sell or lose, you must only transfer by inheritance to your children or grandchildren;
  • if you want prsenter cash of the amulet as a gift, need to buy a new product, which was not to another owner;
  • in any case, it should not be forgotten magic талисмане – worthwhile to check regularly to recharge his energy.

If you have faith in the power of the amulet Money Amuletthen the effect of its actions, as you will see in the near future. But it is to be noted that apart from the hope that magic talisman, and the need to show him the aspirations and actions to achieve success. So, if you want to get a well paid job, you can't spend whole days to stay home and ask the amulet of the long-awaited employment. You need to go on job interviews and try to appeal to a future employer, and a magical guardian in this case, you will have the luck, thanks to which you will be able to win the fight for лакомую the position of other candidates.